Our matching process

1. Send us the details of your case using our request template
Member firms or chambers send us details of their case using our template request form

2. We post details of your case to the PBC member network
We notify our pool of members of the details of the case. Requests from barristers are sent to our solicitors’ pool and vice versa

3. Get contacted from interesting parties and start collaborating
If one of our members wishes to collaborate on the case, they will contact the requesting barrister or solicitor directly
To read a more detailed summary of how the scheme works, please download our info pack
Pro Bono Connect is a signatory to the Joint Pro Bono Protocol for Legal Work
Pro Bono Connect also welcomes solicitor advocates as part of the scheme. All references to requests by or to barristers on this website should be read as barristers/solicitor advocates.
What people are saying…
Participating Chambers
36 Bedford Row | Monckton Chambers |
Brick Court | New Park Court Chambers |
Candey | 11 New Square |
Cloisters Chambers | New Square Chambers |
Coram | Normanton Chambers |
Crown Office Chambers | Northgate Tax Chambers |
1 Crown Office Row | 15 Old Square |
Devereux | Old Square Chambers |
Enterprise | Outer Temple |
Erimus Chambers | One Essex Court |
Essex Court Chambers | 3 Paper Buildings |
Falcon Chambers | 4 Pump Court |
Farrar’s Building | 6 Pump Court |
Field Court Chambers | Pump Court Chambers |
Five Paper | Pump Court Tax |
Forum | 5RB |
Fountain Court | Revenue Bar Association |
Garden Court Chamber | St Ives Chambers |
Gatehouse Chambers | St Phillips Chambers |
Hogarth | Selbourne |
Isle of Man Tax | South Square |
6 KBW | 8 South Square |
11 KBW | 11 South Square |
12 KBW | Spire Barristers |
KBW (Leeds) | 4 Stone Buildings |
Lamb Chambers | Temple Tax chambers |
Landmark Chambers | Ten Old Square |
Littleton | Twenty Essex |
Maitland | 3 Verulam Buildings |
Matrix Chambers | Wilberforce |
Midland Chambers |
Participating Firms
A&O Sherman | Mayer Brown |
Addleshaw Goddard | McGuire Woods |
Ashurst | Meum Law |
Ashwood Solicitors | Milbank |
Arnold & Porter | Mishcon De Reya |
Baker & McKenzie | Morgan Lewis & Bockius UK |
Brabners | Morrison Foerster |
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner | MTC Solicitors |
Brown Rudnick | Muckle |
Charles Russell Speechly | Norton Rose Fulbright |
Clyde & Co | Obaseki Solicitors |
Cooley | Orrick |
Cornelian Lawyers and Mediators | Pallas Partners |
Covington & Burling | Pinsent Masons |
Dawson Cornwell | Reed Smith |
Debevoise & Plimpton | Reynolds Porter Chamberlain |
Dechert | Sidley Austin |
Dentons | Simmons & Simmons |
DLA Piper | Skadden UK |
Enyo Law | Slaughter and May |
Eversheds Sutherland | Shoosmiths |
Goodwin Proctor | Spencer West |
Herbert Smith Freehills | Squire Patton Boggs |
Hogan Lovells | The Good Law Practice |
Hudgell Solicitors | Three Crowns |
Humphries Kerstetter | Travers Smith |
Irwin Mitchell | Ward Hadaway |
K&L Gates | Watkins and Gunn |
Kingsley Napley | Weightmans |
Kirkland & Ellis | Weil Gotshal |
Kobre & Kim | White & Case |
Linklaters | Wilkie Farr & Gallagher |
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Join the scheme
If you are an individual looking for legal advice do not complete this form, instead please visit the LawWorks website.
Please note that pro bono connect is unable to accept cases directly from the public. It operates a referral system to match barristers and solicitors on existing pro bono cases
For information as to how to find a lawyer, please visit the Advice Now website
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